
Geriatric Scholars Program

How would you want your grandma to be cared for? The answer, of course, is in the most kind, caring and effective way possible. A group of interprofessional learners gathered in the sim center to practice just that! These dedicated caregivers participated in a four-hour immersive simulation aimed at improving their skills related to geriatric care. Emily Simmons and Courtney Hall Read more…

Tele-Stroke Sims at UAB Highlands

Proper and timely stroke assessment and care is critical to successful patient outcomes. The stroke teams at UAB understand this. UAB eMedicine is implementing a Tele-Stroke program to advance the quality of care during and after a stroke. This innovative care option provides 24/7 access to a UAB Credentialed Vascular Neurologist who will consult with the UAB care team and make Read more…

UAB Simulation is Going High Tech

Virtual reality (VR) has come a long way! Taking the technology from novel entertainment to practical application, UAB Clinical Simulation has added this innovative tool to its simulation toolbox.   This is not your teenager’s VR! We offer a variety of modules that can train healthcare professionals on a wide range of topics. Clinical Simulation offers modules that allow you to practice Read more…

In Situ comes to the ED

Have you ever responded to a “code blue” to find a manikin in a bed waiting for you? If so, then you have experienced in-situ simulation. These unannounced simulations that take place in the clinical environment are designed to test processes.   Dr. Andrew Bloom and Sarah Shipley are leading the effort in partnership with UAB Clinical Simulation to regularly bring in-situ resuscitation Read more…

New year! New you! New Sim?

There are so many new things in simulation! We have spent the last 6 months reimagining how you think, do, use, and interact with simulation. We kept returning to one phrase…SimFirst. What does that mean, exactly? The goal we have in UAB Clinical Simulation is to create and deliver simulation solutions to the health system that are constructive, relevant, and impact Read more…