Clinical Simulation delivers systems sim at Lee Branch Primary & Specialty Care

As one of UAB Medicine’s newest clinics, Lee Branch Primary & Specialty Care enlisted the help of UAB Clinical Simulation to put its systems to the test.
Leadership from UAB Medicine Ambulatory and Lee Branch sought to test the logistics of navigating the new space, as well as the processes related to emergency medical responses.
“The team identified communication and navigating space as the categories that had the highest potential for a threat to patient safety,” said April Belle, director of systems simulation.
As such, the Clinical Simulation team developed two unique adult emergency response and resuscitation simulations to be held on site at Lee Branch this past April.
The first simulation involved a patient who needed special assistance to exit the clinic’s mammography dressing room, requiring staff members to work together to unlock the doors to access the patient.
The second simulation tasked key personnel with the care of a patient requiring an emergency response in the clinic’s waiting room and a patient examination room. The patient, who initially showed signs and symptoms of acute coronary syndrome, went into cardiopulmonary arrest, requiring the learners to activate help and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation and basic life support.
“Because of the simulation opportunity, staff strongly agreed that they have access to necessary equipment and that the new environment is conducive to the treatment of patients,” Belle said. “Further, the simulation affirmed that staff members were prepared to treat patient emergencies in their new environment.”
Lisa Wesley, ambulatory services manager with Lee Branch, was more than pleased with the results.
“The simulations have been a valuable learning and growth opportunity for our clinical and administrative employees,” Wesley said. “They have not only trained our staff on best practices and improved their medical decision-making skills, but also prepared them for unplanned scenarios and emergencies. The on-site training has allowed our employees to experience the situation, create interventions and develop improvement strategies with the help of the simulation team’s feedback, all without posing any risk to a patient.”
Lee Branch certified medical assistants Jeanie Smith and Nadiya Kumar agreed. Kumar noted that the simulation provided them with insight that would prove more than helpful should such a situation arise.
“After participating in the simulation, we know exactly what to do,” Smith added.
To learn more and create a simulation experience of your own, visit here.