Procedural Simulation

What is the Procedural Simulation Program?
The vision for the UAB Procedural Simulation Program is to create an evidence-based, standardized training module that includes simulation-based training for each procedure performed at UAB. These training modules can then be deployed to train multiple professions who perform the same procedure, truly creating an institutional standard, or the “UAB Way.” Creation of these training modules is a collaboration between clinical experts from multiple professions, simulationists, and educators. Simulation-based procedural training is designed and implemented using the Learn-See-Practice-Prove-Do-Maintain procedural skills acquisition framework.
How do I get involved?
To become involved in the procedural simulation process, you can train to be a procedural simulation facilitator and/or collaborate with UAB Clinical Simulation to create new training modules pertinent to your clinical practice or area of expertise. This program is available to providers and staff in the UAB health system.
For more information about Procedural Simulation at UAB, please contact us at

What else can we do for you?
Equipment Loans
If you would like to borrow our equipment to facilitate sim for your team, just ask! We will find what you need.
Independent Study
We offer access to a variety of trainers and modules with just badge access. Work on your own any time.
We provide and maintain training labs across the Health System to train in ACLS and BLS.
CVL Training
Training resources were developed in partnership with UAB Medicine’s CVL Training Task Force.