Boost your emergency response skills with Lifepak 20e eLearning modules

Published by Frank Ruggiero on

A Lifepak 20e defibrillator
Learners can virtually train on the Lifepak 20e through UAB Clinical Simulation’s eLearning modules.

Learning in the midst of an emergency can be challenging, but UAB Clinical Simulation’s Lifepak 20e modules—part of iSim—provide a controlled environment where you can master critical skills at your own pace, ensuring you are fully prepared when it matters most.

Why This Series?

  • Targeted Learning: Each module zeroes in on a specific procedure, allowing for efficient and effective skill-building.
  • Quick and Practical: Designed to fit into your busy schedule, these modules deliver substantial value in less than 3-5 minutes.
  • Confidence Building: Whether you’re new to the Lifepak 20e or need a refresher, these modules will help you operate the device with confidence, ensuring you’re ready for any cardiac emergency.

Key Modules

  • Advanced Defibrillation: Step-by-step guidance to ensure you’re prepared to deliver lifesaving shocks.
  • Synchronized Cardioversion: Learn to perform this critical intervention with precision.
  • Transcutaneous Pacing: Master the pacing process to handle complex cardiac emergencies.
  • Adult AED: Familiarize yourself with the AED mode for appropriate use in emergencies.

Take a few minutes to engage with these modules and sharpen your emergency response skills, because in health care, preparedness is everything. Learn more about UAB Clinical Simulation’s iSim and eLearning opportunities here.


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